Him Who Reigns


Band Members

Adam Oestmann (Guitar, Vocals)

Cara Dulaitis (Vocals)

Joshua Zaher (Guitar/Vocals)

Catherine Newport (Percussion)

Frank Italiano (Bass, Violin)

Jim Schutters (Piano)


In 2014, a handful of singers and musicians from Trinity Lutheran Church in Crete, Illinois, formed a music group to host a contemporary Christian music event called “United in Song”. The group formed chemistry with one another, and throughout the process of putting together the concert, and by the grace of the Holy Spirit, rediscovered a deep love and joy for serving their Savior through song. 

In 2015, the group decided to move forward as a permanent, unified ministry, adopting the name Him Who Reigns. The name points directly to Jesus our King, with the idea that all aspects of their ministry would remain Christ-centered.

Since that initial concert, Him Who Reigns has performed at various churches and events in the area, and still leads the congregation of Trinity in worship the second Sunday of each month. 

The group is comprised of six members: three vocalists, a piano player, two guitar players, a bassist and a drummer. They also utilize violin on a few songs. Him Who Reigns plays various songs in the contemporary Christian music/pop genre — music from artists like Chris Tomlin, the Gettys, Sidewalk Prophets and others.

Looking forward, we plan to continue serving our Savior through His gift of music and hope to write a few more original songs. We can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us!

- Him Who Reigns