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Spanish Christmas Service

Venid, Adoremos — Come, Let Us Adore Him: Join our Spanish-speaking brothers and sister in a special Christmas celebration Sunday, December 22, 4:00 PM. We will worship our newborn King with a Spanish candlelight service at Trinity. A free fellowship meal will follow with clothing and food items available for those in need. Please let us know you are coming for the meal by signing the sheet on the Welcome Home ledge or by clicking here and completing the form.

Gifts to the King — Serving the Lord by Serving Others:  We need greeters, servers, set-up and clean-up crews for the Spanish Christmas festivities on Sunday, December 22. Volunteers who would like to give their time and talents as gifts to the Lord, can sign-up with the sheet on the Welcome Home ledge, click here or contact Claudia Rericha at 708-672-9073.