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Adult Ministries
Dart Club (Dartball)
Have you ever tried playing dartball? The Trinity Dart Club of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church provides an opportunity for fun and Christian fellowship in the First Lutheran Dart League of South Chicagoland. Contact Steve Johns, gailstevejohns@msn.com or 708-254-7284
Women’s Ministry
Do you find joy in uplifting other women? The Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Women’s Ministry, rooted in Christ, emphasizes women ministering to women, for the purpose of equipping, encouraging, and evangelizing within our church, community, and around the world. Contact Deb Witte at 708-979-4027 for more information or visit our page.
Prayer Ministry
Do you find joy and comfort in praying for others? St. Paul encourages us, “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone” (1 Timothy 2:1). Therefore, the Prayer Ministry of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church serves members and others by praying together and individually on their behalf. Contact Luann Rimpel, lcrimpel@sbcglobal.net or 708-672-7989
Caring Casserole Committee
Do you enjoy cooking or lending a hand to provide meals? The Caring Casserole Committee provides meals for members of Trinity Lutheran Church who are in need, as a means of strengthening their physical bodies and through this act of love build up the Body of Christ. Contact Amanda Hokanson, Amanda.hokanson@yahoo.com or 708-359-2287
Would you like to help maintain the church’s cemeteries or assist families with burial procedures? Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church maintains its cemeteries as a service to our congregation, in order to offer a Christian burial at a reasonable price. Contact John Gaines, dixieelectric59@yahoo.com or 708-289-3174
Fellowship Meal Planning Team
Do you enjoy food and Christian fellowship? Do you like to plan and organize? The Fellowship Meal Planning Team serves Trinity congregation by coordinating the annual Advent, Lent, and Easter Breakfast fellowship meals. Contact Mary Beth Stout, mstout@trinitycrete.org or 708-672-8125
Funeral Luncheon Team
Do you find joy in cooking and serving food to others? The Funeral Luncheon team provides a meal to friends and family members of the deceased in a loving and caring Christian environment, in order to let God’s love and compassion shine. Contact Mary Beth Stout, mstout@trinitycrete.org or 708-672-8125
Grounds Beautification & Maintenance
Do you enjoy gardening and outdoor work? The Grounds Beautification and Maintenance ministry serves members and guests by providing a peaceful and inviting environment for fellowship and to glorify God. Contact Karena Fuller, karena.flr@gmail.com