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Midweek Lenten Worship

We will have midweek Lent services on Wednesdays at 3:30 PM, from March 5 - April 9. There will be a free supper meal in the Fellowship Hall following the service. (A freewill offering is welcome to help offset the cost of the meal.) If you can't make the 3:30 service we have, Zion Lutheran Church (1610 Main Street) in Crete has a service at 7:00 PM you are welcome to attend.

For the Wednesdays in Lent, we’ll be looking at “Psalms of the Passion.” The Psalms in the Bible are filled with words that touch the heart, expressing emotions like no other part of the Bible. And almost hidden in those words are prophecies or foreshadows of Christ’s passion. For instance did you know that when Jesus said, “into your hands I commit my spirit,” he was quoting a Psalm? For the midweek services of Lent we’ll be looking at “Psalms of the Passion.”

Pastors from area WELS churches will participate in sharing the message of this sermon series:

  • March 5 (Ash Wednesday) — Psalm 51 (Pastor Italiano)

  • March 12 — Psalm 69 (Pastor Micheel)

  • March 19 — Psalm 109 (Pastor Schneider)

  • March 26 — Psalm 34 (Pastor Italiano)

  • April 2 — Psalm 31 (Pastor Busch)

  • April 9 — Psalm 35 (Pastor Jeske)

Ushers Needed

If you read the article above, then you know that the Lent season is upon us and that also means we need ushers to assist with the Wednesday services. Gentlemen, AND ladies, if you would like to help serve your church in this role, please sign up on the sign up sheet located near the Ushers Station as you enter the sanctuary or contact Brian Seehausen and let him know what Wednesday(s) you can help with. What if you have never ushered before? Contact Brian to learn more about being an usher (brianseehausen@yahoo.com, 708-821-8431).

Offering Designations

The offerings for the upcoming special services have been designated for the following:

  • Ash Wednesday — "Operating Expenses" (It goes toward paying all the bills for Trinity such as electric, insurance, salaries, etc.)

  • Other Lent Services — "Synod & Missions" (this goes to support sharing Jesus in the United States and around the world)

  • Maundy Thursday (March 28) — "Operating Expenses"

  • Good Friday (March 29) — "Synod & Missions"

  • Easter (March 31) — "Operating Expenses"