Family Services



​Trinity Lutheran Church offers baptisms free of charge for any age (infant through adult). It is our pleasure to administer this life-giving and life-saving Sacrament. Prior to the baptism, a pastor will meet with you to share what the Bible says about baptism. If you have a grade-school aged child, we will have a hands-on activity to explain baptism to them. If you are interested in baptism for your child or yourself, please contact the church office.


Trinity has a beautiful traditional sanctuary. If you are interested in having your wedding at Trinity, please contact the church office to arrange an appointment with a pastor. At least one person of the bridal couple must be a member of the Trinity congregation. If you are interested in pursuing membership, please contact Pastor Italiano. Please note there are costs associated with the marriage service.

Biblical Counseling

The staff at Trinity has been trained in Biblical counseling. We are not licensed counselors, psychologists or psychiatrists, but we do want to serve you any way we can using God’s Word. If you need to talk to someone, please contact Pastor Italiano.