Domestic Abuse Bible Class (Online)
What is domestic abuse? What does the Bible say about it? And, what can you say to someone who is stuck in an abusive situation? The reality is, you know someone. 1 in 3 women have been on the receiving end of abusive behavior. Pastor Frank Italiano, who has had extensive experience dealing with domestic abuse will lead this class along with "Mary,” one of Trinity’s members who has escaped an abusive marriage of almost 20 years.
The class is for someone who wants to know what to say and do for their friend who is caught in an abusive relationship. It is for women who may currently be part of an abusive relationship, and for those who have gotten out of one. It is for pastors who want to learn more. It is open to all. Because of the topic, it will include "mature" content.
Each lesson is 90 minutes long and uses video interviews of WELS members who have survived domestic abuse. The class will meet via Zoom on Sunday evenings from January 19 through February 23. It will be from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Central Time Zone).
Register for the class below.
NOTE: If you are currently in an abusive relationship, or think that you might be, use an email address that only you have access to.
Note regarding promo video: Verbal quotes in the video are of anonymous individuals, not the recordees themselves.